Queen’s Story

The Ketogenic Diet for Allergies and Autoimmune Issues

Canine Breed: Australian Shepard

KetoPet Parent: Sarah, United States

I own, train, compete, and share my home with Aussies. In our house we currently have 10 and they all eat a raw keto diet. Our journey with raw keto started with my Aussie, Queen. She started developing food allergies around 2 years of age. We tried a series of kibbles, prescription included, and nothing helped. She lost hair around her eyes, ears, and nose. She scratched to the point she bled and had scabs for eye brows. She was lethargic and simply miserable.

After seeing multiple vets, only one recommended raw food along with supplements. I researched raw food and came across KetoPet, which contained plenty of material to read on the ketogenic diet for canine health. Their keto diet calculator helped me start and figure out how to feed a ketogenic diet at home (unbelievably easy to use!).

The results from her raw keto diet were more than I could have ever dreamed of! Hair came back, pigment to skin which I thought would be forever scarred came back, and she has energy through the roof. Queen’s immune system went from depleted to thriving and her auto-immune issues disappeared. After experiencing her amazing results, it only seemed logical that everyone in the pack should eat the same way too. My whole pack now eats raw keto!

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